The Cranial Indicator System represents one of the major missing links in the evolution of dentistry. It was developed to assess the cranial bones three dimensionally before, during, and after any dental revision. No other system provides the accuracy to monitor the cranium like the Cranial Indicators. The twenty-eight bones of the skull are directly impacted by any revision of the occlusal table. It is imperative that dentists develop the palpatory skills to diagnose cranial distortions as a baseline prior to treatment, during treatment, and at the completion of treatment. This system enables practitioners to monitor the cranial alignment during any type of revision and modify occlusal contacts to restore cranial bone balance.
Since each tooth is neurologically connected directly to the brain, alterations in tooth and cranial alignment have the potential of causing physical and physiological disturbances anywhere in the body.
This presentation is a must for any dental practitioner. You will have a more realistic understanding of the functional importance for the necessity of correcting the occlusal cranial complex.