
Dementia, Cheerios, and Glyphosate: What do they have in Common?

By Dr. Gerald H. Smith

Roundup for Breakfast anyone. That’s right. The Environmental Working Group (EWG) commissioned testing of popular oat-based cereals and other oat-based foods marketed to children. Almost all of the samples tested by EWG had residues of glyphosate at levels higher than what EWG scientists consider protective of children’s health with an adequate margin of safety. Interestingly,…

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Putting Common Sense Back into Medicine

By Dr. Gerald H. Smith

Now that the dust has settled from the COVID asco, people are starting to see the disinformation campaign that was waged against natural medicine. The AMA, Big Pharma, and the fake media trashed IverMectin, Hydroxychloroquine, UV exposure of the patient’s blood, and other proven remedies because they wanted approval for their experimental poison. The COVID…

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Do Divining Rods Really Work?

By Dr. Gerald H. Smith

When people hear the term divining rods, their first recollection is dowsing for water and their second thought is witchcraft. Any time one hears conventional “science” trashing a scientific approach you have to question their motive. One just has to remember that there are good and bad witches. Arthur J. Ellis, a USGS research hydrologist,…

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Flu Season is a Hoax: Fact or Fiction?

By Dr. Gerald H. Smith

What’s the difference between fiction and facts”? Fiction is easier to believe whereas facts are harder to accept. Mark Twain stated, that ”It is easier to fool someone than to convince them that they were fooled.” One just has to go back in history to the 1860s. There was a scientific battle going on between…

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Can a Cat Infected with Feline Leukemia be Brought into Remission?

By Dr. Gerald H. Smith

Conventional veterinary experts say there is no cure. They also say that it is a retrovirus that can be transmitted from infected cats when the transfer of saliva or nasal secretions is involved. The conventional experts also say that If is not defeated by the animal’s immune system, the virus can weaken the cat’s immune…

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We are killing our pets and ourselves?

By Dr. Gerald H. Smith

The two go hand-in hand. Our pets are subjected to the same toxins that we humansare exposed to. Why are people so surprised. Cancer is the number one killer of cats.One in five cats will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetimes. Dogs fare no better; onein four dogs greater than 2 years of age…

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Achieving a Quality of Life: Longevity and sense of Well-Being

By Dr. Gerald H. Smith

Achieving a quality of life, longevity and a sense of well-being is actually easier than swimming through crocodile infested waters. It all boils down to correcting a foundational issue: your DNA. Contrary to what the medical establishment has let us believe, your DNA is NOT fixed in granite but can be repaired Your DNA is…

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Is My Electric Car Killing Me?

By Dr. Gerald H. Smith

Back in 2015, I jumped on the bandwagon and purchased a Tesla. I love new and innovative technology and was part of the new wave of electric car owners. Like DDT, which took fifty years of use to rear its ugly head, how long will it take for the automotive industry to admit the dangers…

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Resolving Chronic Pain: The hidden initiators

By Dr. Gerald H. Smith

More than one in five US adults suffer from chronic pain, which translates to about 100 million American sufferers, and it is the most common cause of long-term disability. Chronic pain is also a major worldwide affliction, with more than 1.5 billion people around the world struggling with it. You would think that if we…

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What Do the Pyramid at Giza have In Common withHealing Frequencies?

By Dr. Gerald H. Smith

Edward J. Kunkel published his research in his book, Pharaoh’s Pump, which describes the great pyramid at Giza as a ram water pump. For decades, no one realized the functionality of the great pyramid, which turns out to be an incredible, ingenious mechanical marvel. The theory of the Giza pyramid being a water pump was…

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