Dementia, Cheerios, and Glyphosate: What do they have in Common?

Roundup for Breakfast anyone. That’s right. The Environmental Working Group (EWG) commissioned testing of popular oat-based cereals and other oat-based foods marketed to children. Almost all of the samples tested by EWG had residues of glyphosate at levels higher than what EWG scientists consider protective of children’s health with an adequate margin of safety. Interestingly,…

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Affordable Ways to Make America Healthy Again

You really don’t have to wait for Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. to legislate change in the food industry to start your journey to get healthy again. Just get proactive and follow the 6 tips presented below: Warning: There is a lot of disinformation regarding fish oils and omega 6 oils. Fish oils are rancid at…

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Putting Common Sense Back into Medicine

Now that the dust has settled from the COVID asco, people are starting to see the disinformation campaign that was waged against natural medicine. The AMA, Big Pharma, and the fake media trashed IverMectin, Hydroxychloroquine, UV exposure of the patient’s blood, and other proven remedies because they wanted approval for their experimental poison. The COVID…

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Affordable Ways to Make America Healthy Again

You really don’t have to wait for Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. to legislate change in the food industry to start your journey to get healthy again. Just get proactive and follow the 6 tips presented below: Warning: There is a lot of disinformation regarding fish oils and omega 6 oils. Fish oils are rancid at…

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Painless tooth extraction integrated with Quantum Energy technology for rapid healing

Most patients fear getting a tooth extracted but not Ronald G. Ronald has been a patient in my practice for 27 years. On November 25, 2024, I had to extract a fractured root canal molar tooth. To minimize the discomfort of the injection, I did three things: One, I always warm the anesthetic carpule so…

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Survivor’s Guide to “Gunpoint Medicine” Reversing the Aftermath of the Mandated Shot

What’s in Your Shot?Thimerosal (ethyl mercury a (neurotoxin), aluminum (a neurotoxin), graphene oxide (lead particles), dangerous chemicals, polyethylene glycol (antifreeze), formaldehyde (embalming fluid – cancer causing substance) and lipids to help transport toxins into your brain, organs, and other tissues. They are usually grown on cell lines from aborted fetal tissue. Also, animal cells contain…

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Do Divining Rods Really Work?

When people hear the term divining rods, their first recollection is dowsing for water and their second thought is witchcraft. Any time one hears conventional “science” trashing a scientific approach you have to question their motive. One just has to remember that there are good and bad witches. Arthur J. Ellis, a USGS research hydrologist,…

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Instant pain relief

There are exceptions to every rule. The old adage “If it sounds to good to be true, it probably isn’t.” The Ngui Matrix System of Qigong acupuncture breaks the rules. Why? Because it is based on ancient Chinese wisdom and has stood the test of thousands of years of clinical use. My Qigong mentor, Dr.…

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Flu Season is a Hoax: Fact or Fiction?

What’s the difference between fiction and facts”? Fiction is easier to believe whereas facts are harder to accept. Mark Twain stated, that ”It is easier to fool someone than to convince them that they were fooled.” One just has to go back in history to the 1860s. There was a scientific battle going on between…

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What do Skin Rashes, Dermatitis, and Earrings have in Common?

The answer is nickel. Web MD provides the following description: “A nickel allergy usually shows up as a rash or irritation in the area that is in contact with the metal. The rash doesn’t usually spread beyond where the nickel touches the skin.” Based on my 54 plus years of clinical practice this description is…

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