The two go hand-in hand. Our pets are subjected to the same toxins that we humans
are exposed to. Why are people so surprised. Cancer is the number one killer of cats.
One in five cats will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetimes. Dogs fare no better; one
in four dogs greater than 2 years of age dies of cancer. Dogs get cancer at roughly the
same rate as humans. So what are the common denominators?
The answers are staring us in the face. Just look around. The herbicide, glyphosate, is
ubiquitous; most of our neighbors use it. It’s even in the rain water. Chlorine, fluoride,
and bromine all suppress the thyroid (major part of the immune system). Why do you
think Hitler and Stalin put fluoride in the drinking water? Our chemicalized and highly
processed food is devoid of biophotons, packets of energy needed to heal the body.
Then to add insult to injury many people microwave their already dead food. The
chemtrails have dramatically reduced the quality of our air. The aluminum in the
chemtrails and its presence in our public water act as a neurotoxin. The EMFs specially
5G are creating systemic inflammation, the basis of all degenerative diseases. The
more than 7500 satellites circling our earth are distorting our magnetic field and not to
mention the numerous US patents that describe how our government is using various
frequency devices to control of behavior. On top of all this, our government wants to
control us through the use of a centralized digital currency. What a wonderful world we
live in.
The key question is what can we do about it? For starters, feed your pet and yourself
real food; start detoxing your body; start taking food based antioxidants, anti-
inflammatories, and immune boosters like Vanish-Plus; you can spray it in your pet’s
water bowel. Start wearing the X-39 patch to stimulate stem cells to repair your body.
Start using the Tesla Energy Card® under your food and water as well as your pet’s
water and food to neutralize all the toxins. Use positive affirmations before going to bed
(must listen to Dr. Joseph Murphy’s free audio book, The Power of the Subconscious
Mind on YouTube). My intention for writing this article was not to do an infomercial but to
wake people up to reality. The famous wildlife photographer summed it all up in his
quotation, “Chance favors the prepared mind.”
International Center For Nutritional Research, Inc. ICNR, Inc. established in 1981. “Where
Alternatives Are Conventional”