Guide to Frequency Usage
- Scalar Energy plus 18 healing frequencies: If you imprint your glasses, you will receive constant stimulation while wearing them. If you imprint water, then drink 4 ounces first thing upon awakening. Imprinted pendants, bracelets, Fitbit watches will stimulate your body while the item is worn. There is no need to for additional dosages.
- Vanish: It is an immune booster. It is recommended that you imprint spring water and take a teaspoonful three times a day between meals. It is very effective in maintaining a strong response to viruses, bacteria, other pathogens and helpful in treatment for the Big “C.” If you feel the flu or cold coming on, taking this remedy will help knock it out in 48 hours.
- Pain-Away I: This remedy is designed for topical use only. You can imprint spring water and place it in a spray bottle. The water can be topically sprayed throughout the day to help reduce pain, muscle spasm, stiffness, and soreness.
- Pain-Away-Away II: This is a specially formulated remedy for internal use only. It is recommended that you drink 4 ounces of the imprinted water 4 times a day (between meals) and the last dose taken before bedtime.
- Detoxification: This program can be beamed directly from your smartphone, tablet, or laptop into the body over the thymus gland (at the height of the top of the breast bone). It is recommended that exposure be done before bedtime.
- Depression: This remedy can best be applied by drinking 4 ounces of imprinted spring water 4 times a day between meals to insure better absorption.
- Ozone: This frequency program can be beamed directly via your smartphone, laptop, or tablet into an area of pain, stiffness, or soreness 4 times a day. In addition, 4 ounces of imprinted wated can be taken upon waking and mid-afternoon.
- Anti-aging: This specially designed program is best taken internally by drinking 6 ounces of imprinted water upon awakening and before bedtime.
- Allergy Remedy: It is recommended that 4 ounces of imprinted spring water be taken 4 times a day between meals.
- Silica 30C: Silica is designed to assist cell function. It is recommended that 4 ounces of imprinted water be taken upon waking and before bedtime.
- IverMectin: This frequency formula is very effective against 21 different viruses. It is strongly recommended for anyone who contracts COVID-19, influenza B, or seasonal flu. If experiencing an active case of a virus, take 4 ounces of imprinted spring water twice a day upon waking and before bedtime. Continue dosing for two days after symptoms disappear.
- Hydroxychloroquine: If you were exposed to someone with COVID or contract COVID, it is recommended you take 4 ounces of imprinted spring water once a day upon waking. Continue this schedule for two days after symptoms disappear.
- Infrared: This frequency of 632.8 nm is a very effective healing frequency. It can be applied directly into the body over areas of pain or trauma via your smartphone, tablet, or laptop an can be used 6 or more times day. If taken internally, then drink 4 ounces of imprinted spring water twice a day upon waking and at bedtime.
- “Clearing Program:” This program is only used to erase frequencies from an object (eye glasses, pendant, bracelet, necklace, etc,) if they were inadvertently exposed to EMFs (wi-fi router, cell phone, strong magnet or other electromagnetic fields). Apply the frequencies within two inches of the object for 9 seconds. This will clear any toxic frequencies. Then re-imprint the original frequency program to restore it.
- Bleeding Gums: This specially designed program is designed to supply the body with specific frequencies for healing the gums, small capillaries, connective tissues, and bone. If gums are infected due to deposits of tartar, you must have this build up removed by a dentist in order for healing to take place.
- Healing the Stomach/Intestines: This frequency program supplies the body with essential frequencies to heal the stomach and intestinal lining. If symptoms persist, you should add in the Ivermectin frequencies once a day (4 ounces of imprinted spring water upon waking). If symptoms persist more than two weeks, seek professional help.
- Improving Short Term Memory: The frequencies of specific herbs, vitamins, and other nutrients to assist the brain in the repair process. Dosage is 4 ounces of imprinted spring water upon waking and mid-afternoon.
- Improving Long Term Memory: There are specific nutrients for long term memory which are supplied. Dosage is 4 ounces of imprinted spring water upon waking and mid-afternoon.
It is safe to use multiple programs; however, never use the “Clearing Program” internally or externally.