3 Reasons to Consider Alternative Treatments

At the International Center for Nutritional Research, our goal is to provide our patients with the information they need to find treatments that are right for them. These days, more and more people are turning to alternative medicine and seeking out doctors with a holistic practice. No matter what you’re dealing with, considering all of your options is the wisest move you can make.

That’s why in today’s post, we’re covering three reasons to consider alternative treatments and natural medicine. At the International Center for Nutritional Research, we believe that the most important thing you can do is to focus on the underlying cause of your problem and not simply treating the symptoms. Is alternative medicine the right option for you? Keep reading to learn more.

Why Choose Alternative Treatments?

A Long List of Side Effects

We’ve all seen the commercials for new medications. They may help to reduce the symptoms of an illness, but then they start listing the side effects that you might experience and that list goes on and on…and on…and on. Ultimately, many of the side effects sound worse than the ailment that the medication is intended to treat!

Needless to say, if you need to take more than one medication, the list of side effects compounds and you may find yourself worse off than before.

A Natural Approach

For many, the idea of holistic natural medicine is more appealing than the alternatives because it’s much easier to comprehend the idea of treating yourself with something that comes from nature. After all, many of us don’t know what fluticasone, erythropoietin, and cisplatin are, but we do know calcium, magnesium, and turmeric. 

Of course, not knowing what something is isn’t a good reason to not take it — but the point is that when it comes to medicine, many people prefer to use time-tested approaches to treating their illness rather than going with the newest medication on the market. The best approach is to speak with a physician you trust. Need to schedule a consultation with an alternative medicine doctor? Dr. Smith would love to speak with you about what’s best for your specific situation.

A Second Opinion

Speaking of physicians, perhaps you’ve simply decided that it’s time for a second opinion. Whether it’s because what you’ve been doing simply isn’t working or you just prefer to consider the approach you’d like to take to treatment, it’s never a bad idea to speak with more than one doctor to determine what’s right for you.

At the end of the day, there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all approach, and different things work for different people. It is important to have a doctor you can trust, and it’s also important to share honestly about what’s going on, what concerns you have, and what you think is best for you. If you’re considering an alternative treatment, as we mentioned above, we make it easy to schedule a consultation with Dr. Smith that is based on a comprehensive assessment of your symptoms and your concerns. No matter what you’re going through, you don’t have to go through it alone!

The International Center for Nutritional Research Is Here to Help

Backed by over five decades of clinical experience, Dr. Smith is focused on helping patients uncover their principal issues with comprehensive diagnostic tests, full-body analysis, and more. The end result is utilizing Tesla technology, full spectrum light, ozone, homeopathics, herbs, vitamins, and special energy modalities, cranial manipulation, and corrective dental therapies to provide patients with a treatment that is customized to meet their specific needs. As we mentioned above, everyone is different, and that’s why when you seek help from Dr. Smith and the International Center for Nutritional Research, we’ll go above and beyond to help you find an approach that is appropriate for you.

Certified to practice natural medicine globally by the World Organization for Natural Medicine, Dr. Gerald Smith is dedicated to providing patients with unsurpassed knowledge and an attention to detail. Learn more here, take a look at the many products we offer, view our resources, and contact us today with any questions you may have. When you choose the International Center For Nutritional Research, we’ll work hard to help you get to the most from your treatment.


About The Author

Dr. Gerald H. Smith is certified by the World Organization for Natural Medicine to practice natural medicine globally. He is also a certified dental practitioner. His broad base of post-graduate training in dentistry and natural medicine enabled him to integrate many health care specialties.