Appointment Type: In-Person


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Your payment has been received. Someone from the office will be in touch soon. If you need further assistance, please call 1-800-272-2323

Patient's Name *
Phone Number *
Email *

Please review the Terms and Conditions of this Invoice before submitting payment. Thank you!

Terms and Conditions: This invoice serves as pre-payment for the appointment scheduled with Dr. Gerald Smith. Please arrive ten (10) minutes prior to your scheduled appointment time. Dr. Gerald Smith has a five (5) business day cancellation policy. This invoice is due on the day the payment link was sent to you. An unpaid invoice will result in the automatic cancellation of the appointment on the next business morning. In order to receive a refund on a paid invoice, appointments must be cancelled a minimum of five (5) business days in advance by emailing [email protected].

Terms and Conditions: This invoice serves as pre-payment for the Zoom appointment scheduled with Dr. Gerald Smith. In the event that you have trouble connecting to Zoom on the date of your appointment you agree to contact Dr. Smith by phone in order to keep the appointment. The phone number is: 215-968-4781. Dr. Gerald Smith has a five (5) business day cancellation policy. This invoice is due on the day the payment link was sent to you. An unpaid invoice will result in the automatic cancellation of the appointment on the next business morning. In order to receive a refund on a paid invoice, appointments must be cancelled a minimum of five (5) business days in advance by emailing [email protected].

Terms and Conditions: All payments are non-refundable.

Thank You!

Your payment has been received. Someone from the office will be in touch soon. If you need further assistance, please call 1-800-272-2323

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