Alternative Treatments for Conquering Chronic Pain
Alternative Treatments For Conquering Chronic Pain represents one of the biggest breakthroughs in the history of dental medicine. The author’s 40 years of clinical research has uncovered many of the missing links for resolving chronic pain.
“Without a diagnosis, there is no treatment”, what a concept! In Dentistry many of us treat symptoms of patients without finding the cause of the problem or worse, without a diagnosis. We then wonder why some of our treatments fail. In Dr. Smith’s book, “Alternative Treatments for Conquering Chronic Pain”, he takes us on a journey of the “why”, the underlying causes of many of the chronic illnesses we are faced with. The book guides us along the path of identifying structural issues that we see on a daily basis (not knowing what to do with them). He then leads us to identifying and managing inflammation, the main cause of chronic issues. There are numerous case examples to demonstrate the principles he refers to. The beauty of this book is there is no expiry date, the concepts are as valid today as when the book was written. This book is a must read for all those that profess to practice Integrative Dentistry or Medicine.
Dr. Dennis Marangos,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
- 300-plus pages
- 70 patient case summaries
- 7 patient video testimonials**
- 2 fifteen-minute videos that document a previously unknown dental source of pain and the interrelationship of the dentition to the spine**
- 72 illustrations and clinical photographs to explain the integrated concepts
- ** Note: an online connection to the Internet via a Web Browser is required to view the videos
Dr. Smith’s treatment concepts focus on non-invasive approaches that include correcting nutritional deficiencies, craniosacral manipulation, soft helium neon laser, microcurrent stimulation, dental orthopedics and orthodontics, myofascial release techniques, biocompatible dental materials, balancing body pH, eliminating carbohydrate intolerance, detoxification, acupuncture as well as other natural therapies.
Homeopathic claims based on traditional homeopathic practice, not accepted medical evidence. Not FDA evaluated.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.