The Best of Basal Facts -1976-1987
The Best of Basal Facts -1976-1987
A | |
Allemand. L. Edward | 121 |
B | |
Bender, Carl | 1075 |
Berke, James B. | 1 |
Bornstein, Alan V. | 667 |
C | |
Costianes, Elias N. | 927, 957, 963, 969, 987 |
Coy, Richard E. | 21 |
D | |
Denton, David G. | 1015, 1029, 1055 |
Dettman, Harold James and Walters, Rita Walda | 210 |
Diamond, John | 134, 583 |
Dunn, Paul | 267 |
Dunn, Paul, Fahernbach, Jerome, and Hankel, Robert | 267 |
E | |
Eversaul, George A. | 711 |
F | |
Fahernbach, Jerome | 267 |
Farrar, William B. | 905 |
Fonder, Aelred C. | 5, 49, 121, 172, 321, 327, 483, 745, 897, 1179 |
Fonder, Aelred C. and Allemand, L. Edward | 121 |
Frank, Chet Anthony 11, | 69, 733 |
Frumker, Sanford C. 231, | 287, 323, 371 |
Frumker, Sanford C. and Kyle, Mark A. | 1157 |
Funt, Lawrence A. and Stack, Brendan C. | 445 |
G | |
Garabee, Walter F., Jr. | 307 |
Garliner, Daniel | 61 |
Gilula, Marshall F. and Markovich, Simon E. | 599 |
Glassley, Donald | 391 |
Golden, Walter W. | 299 |
Goodheart, George | 1109 |
Gordon, Thomas E., Jr. | 168, 417 |
Gornstein, Herman C. and Kaminski, Florian | 849 |
Graziano, Lt. Colonel Joan M. | 641 |
Guzay, Casey M. 33, | 77, 101, 154, 198, 783 |
H | |
Hankel, Robert | 267 |
Hempstead, Edward J. | 1089 |
J | |
Jankelson, Bernard and Ogata, Yoshitaka | 1145 |
Jones, Justin L. | 737, 1125, 1171 |
K | |
Kaufman, Adrienne and Kaufman, Richard S. | 459, 569 |
Kinnie, Bruce H. and Harwood, Donald | 501 |
Knebelman, Stanley | 365 |
Kwako, James L. | 625 |
L | |
Lawton, Edward A. | 41 |
Leeds, Alexander B. | 109 |
Leeds, Alexander B. and May, Willie B. | 109, 579 |
Levy, Philip H. | 341 |
M | |
Maehara, Kiyoshi | 381 |
Maehara, Kiyoshi, et. al. | 911 |
Matsui, Toshiyuki, and Takada, Fumio | 381 |
May, Willie B. | 109, 138, 158, 180, 221, 281 |
McDowell, Helen Rose | 721, 813, 831 |
McGuigan, Frank J. | 699 |
McPhee, Duncan S. | 239, 465 |
Mestman, Carl | 517 |
Moses, Allen J. and Skoog, George S. | 945 |
O | |
Olivetti, Joseph M. | 555 |
P | |
Pertes, Richard A. | 247 |
Peshek, Robert J. | 399, 829, 845, 855 |
Price, Weston | 869 |
R | |
Ravins, Hal | 479 |
Ricketts, James | 150, 190 |
Riesenberg, Lee Ann | 673 |
Root, W. J. | 1069 |
S | |
Salaam, Abdul | 293 |
Selye, Hans | 629 |
Shealy, Norman | 649 |
Sheary, Cornelia B. | 939, 1065, 1129, 1137 |
Smith, Gerald H. | 393, 529, 717 |
Smith, Stephen D. | 271 |
Smolik, Edmund A. and Hempstead, E. J. | 1101 |
Stack, Brendan C. | 757 |
Stenger, John M. | 95, 144, 216, 949 |
Stenger, John M., Lawton, Edward A., Wright, Jack M., and Ricketts, James | 1209 |
Stoll, Victor | 89, 805 |
Storberg, Carl G. | 25, 204 |
T | |
Tinbergen, Nikolaas | 605 |
U | |
Uhlemeyer, Henry A. | 115, 131 |
US Senate Select Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs | 429 |
V | |
Verban, Emil M., Jr. | 1117, 1165 |
W | |
Walker, Robert H. | 313, 453, 513, 549, 935 |
Walther, David S. | 771 |
West. C. Samuel | 533 |
Whatmore, George B. and Kohli, Daniel R. | 619 |
White, James E. | 303 |
White, Paul A. | 689 |
“The Best of Basal Facts” — available as a 2-CDROM set which includes a “Journal Reprint Edition” and a “Professional/Researcher Edition”. Available exclusively from ICNR: Order Online.