The Best of Basal Facts -1976-1987

Name of ArticlePage #
Disease syndrome and the new diagnosis1
The profound effect of the 1973 Nobel prize in dentistry5
Sharing 100,000 Edentulous Cases11
Chairside physiologic reposturization in occlusal analysis21
Concepts of physiologic dentistry25
Efficiency in occlusal function33
Aspects of physiologic dentistry41
Stress and the dental distress syndrome49
Stress and the dentition61
Dental distress amelioration69
Introduction to the quadrant theorem77
Oral orthopedics and the temporomandibular joint syndrome85
The importance of correct jaw relations in cervico-oro-facial orthopedia89
Physiologic dentistry with Notre Dame athletes95
Quadrant theorem – part two101
Arthritic symptoms related to position and function of mandible109
Combined dental and E.N.T. approach to T.M.J. dysfunction115
Malocclusion, dental distress and educability121
The chewing mechanism – the body computer131
The Palatal Arch134
Reduction of Stress in the Chewing Mechanism138
Cephalometrics in Dental Stress Research150
Quadrant Theorem – Part Three154
Reduction of Stress in the Chewing Mechanism – part 2158
Automatic Change of Patient Chewing Patterns after Occlusal Modification168
Implications for Dental Education172
Reduction of Stress in the Chewing Mechanism – Part 3180
Cephalometry in Physiologic Dentistry190
Envelope of Motion: Vertical Position Analyzed198
Introduction to Physiologic Dentistry204
Physiochemical Stress: The Subtle Killer210
Tooth … Teeth … Total Person216
Physiologic Functional Position of the Mandible221
Dental Occlusion and Muscle Tension231
Schizophrenia: Etiology, Control and Prevention239
The Use of Functional Appliances in the Prevention of the TMJ Dysfunction Syndrome247
Incidence Of Subnormal Craniofacial Dental Development in Pediatric Patients with Learning Disabilities267
Neuromuscular Considerations in Mandibular Reposturing: The Visceral Skeleton271
Instructions for the Willie May Swallowing Technique281
Head Pains of Dental Occlusion (Bite) Origin: Clinical Screening Tests for Non Dentists287
The Orthopedic Approach to Muscular Dysfunction293
Physical Therapy: General Implications for the Treatment of Temporomandibular Joint Problems299
Predictably Producing Stomach Upsets and Headache303
Craniomandibular Orthopedics and Athletic Performance in the Long Distance Runner: A Three Year Study307
Energy, Matter and Life313
Insurance Coverage for TMJ Treatment321
Occlusion and Muscle Tension323
Gynecological Problems and the Dental Distress Syndrome327
Physiologic Response to Dental Malocclusion and Misplaced Mandibular Posture341
The Alexander Technique in Diagnosis & Treatment of Craniomandibular Disorders365
Internal Derangements of the TMJ: Etiology, Treatment, and a Diagnostic Chart371
The Masticatory System: General Signs and Symptomatology381
Applied Dental Kinesiology: Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction391
Evaluating the Craniomandibular Somatic Dysfunction (CSD) Patient Utilizing the Physiologic Adaptive Range (PAR) Philosophy393
The Role of Nutrient Pharmacology in Preventing Bronchial Asthma and Other ANS Symptoms399
Terminal Hinge Closure And Other Great Myths417
Dietary Goals for the United States429
Evolution of the Craniomandibular Pain Syndrome and the F.S. Index445
A System of Physics for Biology453
Use of the MORA to reduce headaches on members of the U.S. Olympic Luge Team459
An Inquiry into the Effects of Malocclusion on the Cerebral Cortex as Related to Abnormal Parturition465
Dental Orthopedics Stress Management479
The Dental Distress Syndrome (DDS)483
Chronic Head, Neck & Facial Pain: A Multidisciplinary Health Care Problem501
Modern Concepts of Functional and Dysfunctional Neurology513
TMJ – The Master Joint517
CMA-1284: The World’s First Invisible Precision Attachment Designed to Maintain Cranial Motion529
Understanding the Lymphatics, Healing and Health533
A Unified Theory for Chiropractic549
Cranio-Cervico-Mandibular Dysfunction: An Overview and Hopeful Aid to the General Dentist555
An Experimental Study on the Effects of the MORA on Football Players569
Arthritic Symptoms Related To Position And Function of Mandible579
Behavioral Kinesiology583
Holistic Electrosleep599
Use and Misuse in Evolutionary Perspective605
The Concept, Physiopathology: Its Role in Understanding Functional Disorders619
Healing from Within625
The Nature of Stress629
Retrospective Analysis of Acute and Chronic Pain Control in Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation with T.E.N.S.641
Restoring Health649
Psychological Screening Prior to T.E.N.S. for Pain Control667
Stress and Nursing Practice673
Applied Kinesiology and Colon Health689
Coping with Stress through Progressive Relaxation699
Dental Kinesiology711
Dural Fibrilation717
Good Health – Your Responsibility!721
My Initiation to the Malocclusion, Dental Distress and TMJ Problem733
The Dental Distress Syndrome (DDS) – Revised745
TMJ from an Orthodontic Perspective Using Cephalometric Laminagraphy757
Uses of Applied Kinesiology for Dentists771
Combined Dental and E.N.T. Approach to T.M.J. Dysfunction783
Efficiency In Occlusal Function (Revised)787
The Importance of Correct Jaw Relations in Cervico-Oro-Facial Orthopedia (Revised)809
The Nutrition Concept817
Optimum Dental Prevention with Vitamin E833
Our Changing Health835
Preventing the Gagging Reflex849
Current Concepts of Ridge Augmentation853
Intracellular Calcium Overload: A New Principle of Disease859
Nutrition in Patient Treatment873
Scientific Facts Concerning Evolution901
Differentiation of TMJ Disorders Relative to Stress Phenomena909
A Template Therapy Approach for Non-Specific Complaints915
Apatite-Crystal Disease931
Atomic Modulation and Molecular Disease939
Can Orthodontia Influence Pituitary Gland Function and Learning Ability?943
Cervical Whiplash and TMJ949
Whiplash Injuries953
Dental Distress and General Health961
Mental Effects from Dental Distress967
Reviewing the Gelb Technique / Successfully Treating Failures973
Successfully Treating Premedical Failures991
Biomechanics of the Pelvis1019
Craniopathy and Dentistry1033
From Head to Foot1059
The Relation of Refined Carbohydrate Intake to Dental Caries1069
Biophysics for Normal Vital Processes1073
Nerve Reflex Complications as Influenced by Masticatory Malfunctions1079
Temporo-Mandibular Joints Conservative Care for Dysfunction1093
Trigeminal Neuralgia and Mandibular Joint Dysfunction1105
Applied Kinesiology And Dentistry1113
The Mora: Its Application in the Field of Athletics1121
Neurological Dentistry1129
Nutrition and Oral Health in the Survival of Mankind1133
Research of the Relationship of Dental Stress to Health and Learning Ability1141
Three-Dimensional Orthodontic Diagnosis and Treatment a Neuromuscular Approach1149
The Dentists’ Contribution to Rehabilitation of Cervical Posture and Function:Orthopedic and Neurological Considerations in the Treatment of Craniomandibular Disorders1161
TMJ Therapy1169
Craniomandibular Disorders, Neurophysiology, and Auriculotherapy1175
The Dental Distress Syndrome Quantified1183
Mouthguards: Protection Against Shock to Head, Neck and Teeth1213

“The Best of Basal Facts” — available as a 2-CDROM set which includes a “Journal Reprint Edition” and a “Professional/Researcher Edition”. Available exclusively from ICNR: Order Online.


About The Author

Dr. Gerald H. Smith is certified by the World Organization for Natural Medicine to practice natural medicine globally. His broad base of post-graduate training in dentistry and natural medicine enabled him to integrate many health care specialties.