Cholesterol: Friend or Foe?

by Dr. Gerald H. Smith

One of the most maligned of all substances is cholesterol. The adrenal gland produces over sixty different hormones and everyone of them is synthesized from cholesterol. So important is cholesterol that the body produces it independently from external sources. The liver produces 80% of the body’s needs. Cholesterol, like any product of bodily metabolism, can be overproduced or misused with harmful effects. With nutrient deficiencies (typical American diet) and abnormal metabolism or breakdown and utilization, the walls of the arteries build up plaque and a pathologic condition develops called atherosclerosis. This process occurs as the result of ingestion of partially hydrogenated fats(margarine) and saturated fats (lard, red meats) combined with refined foods (Twinkies, pizza, donuts, white bread, sodas, cookies and candy, etc.) with the resultant oxidation of low-density lipoproteins (LDL’s) cholesterol. This typical American diet is one of the major causes for the high incidence of high blood pressure, heart attacks and stroke.

Arterial plaque contains a complex mixture of cholesterol, calcium, lipoproteins, mutated arterial cells and fibrin. Arterial plaque obstructs the flow of oxygenated blood and starves the living tissue. Cardiac failure frequently occurs as a result of coronary occlusion or blockage by plaque containing cholesterol. Although high cholesterol levels are statistically associated with heart attacks, it has NOT been proven that the cholesterol is the direct cause of the heart attack. It has also NOT been proven that lowering one’s lipid levels in any way prevents heart disease in that individual. What has been shown is that eating a diet high in refined carbohydrates (white bread, sugar, candy, cakes, sodas, etc.) will influence your serum lipid level (Dr. Ian Mac Donald of Guy’s Hospital in London).

Of benefit to your body is the level of high density lipoprotein or HDL’s. These HDL’s allow fats to be transported in the bloodstream and even appears to be potentially protective against heart disease.

An associate professor of medicine, Dr. Stephen B. Hulley, at Stanford University School of Medicine, asserts that “preliminary evidence suggests that decreasing intake of simple (refined) carbohydrates increases the level of HDL’s. A high cholesterol level is really a symptom of abnormal function due to disease, poor nutrition and/or a high stress level or a genetic variance.

Eliminating the amount of processed food one takes in, reduction of stress in ones life, reducing exposure to toxic chemicals (eliminate coffee, cocoa & tea; acetone, furan, butanol, isoprene, methanol, acetaldehyde, dimethyl sulfide are just some of the chemicals in these common drinks) and heavy metals (cadmium, lead, aluminum, mercury, nickel, arsenic) and taking specific nutrients has proven itself clinically effective.

Those interested in taking a nutritional approach to reducing high cholesterol levels should consider the following vitamin program:

L-Carnitine (500mg): The amino acid supplement helps the body to breakdown cholesterol. (Dosage: one capsule three times a day between meals).

Cataplex G: This natural formulation contains nutrients derived from food grown on organic soils without pesticides. It contains Vitamin B-6, Riboflavin, Niacin, Vitamin C and other factors that assist metabolism of fat. (Dosage: three tablets after each meal).

Cataplex F Perles: This essential oil supplies omega 3 fatty acids, derived from flax seed oil, which provides excellent antioxidant and healing functions. Flax oil supplies essential building blocks for cellular repair, helps dissolve cholesterol deposits from within the arteries and provides electrons for increased energy and cell function. (Dosage: six perles with three tablespoons of cottage cheese taken three times per day). This combination allows the flax oil to combine with the sulfur in the cottage cheese to make it soluble in the blood.

For additional information on this incredible nutrient read “Flax Oil As A True Aid Against Arthritis, Heart Infarction, Cancer and Other Diseases” by Johanna Budwig. Apple Publishing Company Ltd. 220 East 59th Avenue, Vancouver, British Columbia Canada V5X 1X.

Coenzyme Q 10 (60 mg): This naturally occurring nutrient works to improve heart function, lower blood pressure and increase energy levels and is absolutely nontoxic. Coenzyme Q10 works to convert the glucose or blood sugar to a usable form within each cell. With age our body levels of this essential nutrient become reduced. (Dosage: four capsules between meals taken twice a day).

Formula #5: The all natural food enzyme formulation contains lipase. This enzyme works to break down the fat in the bloodstream. (Dosage: four capsules taken between meals)

In addition, a diet low in red meats, dairy and refined foods and high in complex carbohydrates (fresh green vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts seeds) and exercise will assist in lowering one’s cholesterol.


About The Author

Dr. Gerald H. Smith is certified by the World Organization for Natural Medicine to practice natural medicine globally. His broad base of post-graduate training in dentistry and natural medicine enabled him to integrate many health care specialties.