Warning: NutraSweet is a Neurotoxin!

Appeared in May, 1992 Flying Safety Magazine

In pregnancy the effects of Aspartame can be passed directly on to the fetus even in very small doses. Some people have suffered Aspartame related disorders with doses as small as that carried in a single stick of chewing gum. This could mean a pilot who drinks diet sodas is more susceptible to flicker vertigo or to flicker-induced epileptic activity. It also means that all pilots are potential victims of sudden memory loss, dizziness during instrument flight and gradual loss of vision.”

A pilot’s hot-line was set up and over 500 pilots responded, some speaking of grand mal seizures in the cockpit of commercial airline flights. Many pilots lost their medical certifications to fly and careers. Eighty percent of the complaints to the FDA on food or additives are about this murderous chemical, but comatose they’ve done nothing to alert or protect you. Don’t be surprised, the FDA regularly approves killer drugs as OMNI MAGAZINE reported in February, 1994.

“Fifty-one percent of FDA approved drugs have serious post-approval risks and could cause adverse reactions that lead to severe or permanent disability or Death.”

The Center for Disease Control, John Hopkins University and the New Jersey School of Medicine estimate that 80 – 120,000 Americans are killed by prescription drugs every year. That’s more than all the Americans killed in all the wars of this nation’s history. That this atrocious holocaust persists has everthing to do with money and nothing to do with public health. Monsanto reaps $1 billion/year from the Aspartame toxic bonanza. This can buy a lot of bureaucrats!

Does FDA mean Fatal Drugs Allowed? And by the way, your life doesn’t really count!

Aspartame is a molecule composed of three components: aspartic acid, phenylalanine and methanol (wood alcohol). Once ingested, the methanol that has killed or blinded thousands of skid row drunks, converts into formaldehyde and formic acid (ant sting poison). Formaldehyde, a deadly neurotoxin, is common embalming fluid, a class A Carcinogen! There are 90 documented symptoms including: Headaches, Muscle spasms, Irritability, Heart palpatations, Loss of taste, Joint pain, Dizziness, Weight gain, Tachycardia (heart racing), Breathing difficulty, Tinnitus (ringing in the ears), Blurred vision, Seizures, Rashes, Insomnia, Anxiety attacks, Vertigo, Hearing loss, Nausea, Depression, Blindness, Slurred speech, memory loss, Fatigue, Numbness.

The NutraSweet Company and sister Searle are owned by Monsanto which discovered Aspartame while testing an ulcer drug. If your’re taking other medicine consider possible reactions you may have. In 1969, Searle approached Dr. Harry Waisman to study the effects of Aspartame on primates. Seven infant monkeys were fed the chemical in milk. One died after 300 days, 5 others had Grand Mal seizures. Searle deleted these findings when they submitted his study to the FDA! The best way to understand NutrSweet is to think of it as a minute dose of nerve gas that eradicates brain and nerve function.

Some Diseases Triggered By Aspartame:

Brain tumors and other cancers, Multiple sclerosis, Chronic fatigue syndrome (Epstein Barr), Parkinson’s, Alzheimers, Mental retardation, Birth defects, Fibromyalgia, Diabetes, Epilepsy, Lymphoma and Death!

Research at Massachusetts Institute of Technology surveyed 80 people who suffered brain seizures after eating or drinking products with Aspartame. Said the Community Nutrition Institute: “These 80 cases meet the FDA’s own definition of an imminent hazard to the public health, which requires the FDA to expeditiously remove a product from the market.”

America is seeing a trmendous increase in seizures. Phenylalanine in Aspartame lowers the seizure threshold in the brain and blocks serotonin production. Today our nation is swept by a rage of violence. Researchers attribute this in part to low brain serotonin levels inducing depression, rage and paranoia. So President Clinton, Diet Coke in hand, programs billions of dollars to buy penitentiaries for the paronoid. Isn’t that a dainty dish to set before the king?

Fetal tissue cannot tolerate methanol and Dr. James Bowen calls NutraSweet instant birth control.

Aspartame tests on animals produced brain tumors and benign mammary tumors. No known substance produces only benign tumors! No wonder breast cancer is exponentiating! Is Desert Storm syndrome NutraSweet poisoning? Shiploads of diet drinks cooked in the Arabian sun. At 86 degrees Aspartame liberates methanol in the can! So the troops came home with chronic fatigue syndrome and dozens of weird toxicologic symptoms!

On July 28, 1983 the National Soft Drink Association drafted a 30 page protest questioning the safety of Aspartame in soft drinks. Then they found weight-conscious Americans would sip soda all day if it was sugarless, so they forgot their objections; nor did they tell us that Aspartame makes you crave carbohydrates and so you gain weight. The formaldehyde stores in the fat cells, particularly on the hips and thighs. Drink diet soda, get fat now , and later develop seizures, diabetes, blindness, Epstein Barr, MS, depression and death.

Similarly, the American Diabetic Association, which receives megafunds from NutraSweet ignored a 1987 abstract submitted by Dr. H.J Roberts (world expert on Aspartame and diabetic specialist) summarizing 58 diabetic Aspartame reactors. He says: ” I now advise ALL patients with diabetes and hypoglycemia to avoid Aspartame products.” Russell Blalock, MD, neurosurgeon in his book: Excitotoxins; The Taste That Kills, says Aspartame may trigger clinical diabetes. (Health Press 1 800-643-2665)

NutraSweet/Equal/Spoonful are the deadliest toxins in our society because of their ubiquitous presence in thousands of foods, even children’s medicines, Kool Aid and Jello and on every restaurant table. We’re dosed with millions of punds every year! This warning should be on every Aspartame/NutraSweet/EqualSpoonful product: Chemical Poision: Keep Out Of Reach of Humans! Genocidal!


  • H.J Roberts, MD, FACP, FCCP: 300 27th Street; West Palm Beach, FL 33407 (407) 832-2408.
  • Publication: Aspartame, Is It Safe? The Charles Press
  • Sweet’ner Dearest Is Aspartame Safe? A medical Public Health Legal Overview on Tape
  • Mary Nash Stoddard: Aspartame Consumer Safety Network; P.O.Box 780634; Dallas TX 75378
  • Publication: The Deadly Deception: Book order (800) 969-6050.
  • Barbara Alexander Mullarkey: c/o Nutri Voice; P.O.Box 946; Oak Park, IL 60303
  • Publication: Bittersweet Aspartame: A diet Delusion


About The Author

Dr. Gerald H. Smith is certified by the World Organization for Natural Medicine to practice natural medicine globally. His broad base of post-graduate training in dentistry and natural medicine enabled him to integrate many health care specialties.