Dr. Gerald H. Smith
- A woman is considered to be in menopause when she is amenorrheic for more than a year.
- 50% of the female population is in menopause by the time they reach age fifty.
- Signs and symptoms (have been related to estrogen deficiency):
- Hot flashes
- Osteoporosis: occurs within the first three years of menopause
- Painful intercourse
- Other related symptoms (not related to estrogen deficiency):
- Headaches
- Mood swings (especially depression)
- Irritability
- Cravings
- Insomnia
- Cardiovascular problems
- These symptoms are really hypoglycemic reactions aggrevated by the endocrine imbalance created by the cessation of ovulation.
- Estrogen’s effects on blood sugar (it may take two years for these effects to occur):
- Converts low blood sugar into lower blood sugar levels.
- Converts asymptomatic hypoglycemia into a symptomatic hypoglycemia.
- Cause even higher blood sugar levels in the diabetic.
- Avoid estrogen if any of the following hypoglycemic symptoms are present:
- Fatigue
- Mood swings- dpression, anxiety
- Irritability
- Panic attacks
- Cravings
- Seizure disorders
- Headaches
- Schizophrenia, confusion, or other mental disorders
- Palpitations (mitral value prolapse)
- Bloating
- Multiple sclerosis
- Peptic ulcer
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Gastrointestinal Symptoms
- Abdominal bloating
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Constipation
- Increase or decrease in appetite
- Carbohydrate craving: sugar (low blood sugar) and chocolate (caffeine)
- Miscellaneous
- Edema
- Weight gain
- Backache
- Bedwetting
- Scanty urination
- Capillary fagility (bruise easily)
- Flare-up of skin diseases
- Breast changes: swollen and tender
- Eye complaints
- If estrogen must be taken, its safety can be increased by adding a progesterone-like hormone and folic acid, PABA, zinc and vitamin E, (Cataplex B, Folic acid B-12, Chezyn, Wheat germ oil)
- Vitamin Therapy
- Folic acid and PABA (para amino acid benzoic acid- present in the B-complex vitamins): increases estrogen response. (B-12 Folic acid).
- Calcium, vitamin D, phosphorous, magnesium (CalMa Plus).
- Biost (provides the blue print for bone formation).
- Catalyn (general multiple).
- (acts to push calcium into the bones).
- Vitamin C (helps form the bone matrix).
- Enzyme Formula #20: improves digestion.
- Symplex F: supports the endocrine system.
- Ovex: supports female hormone production.
- Meno-Ease: amino acid formula that supports the adrenals.
- Recommendations:
- Excercise: maintains bone density
- Reduce protein consumption: High protein diets flush out minerals
- Increase consumption of dark green vegetables: kale, swiss chard, broccoli, parsley. Greens have magnesium which helps maintain calcium levels.