The second edition of The Rife Handbook instills a calming energy by transforming the reader into a state of enlightenment. This comprehensive and extremely well organized and documented reference is an educational guide to assist physicians and laypersons to better understand the concepts of vibrational medicine and the resurgence of holistic healing. This healing “bible” provides an extensive A to Z listing of Rife frequencies plus invaluable information on the politics of medicine, history of pleomorphism, inventions of Royal Raymond Rife, complementary therapies, frequency devices, product and informational resources and topics to help one survive the pitfalls of “modern medicine.” As an author, researcher and international lecturer with over 40 years of clinical experience, I give this book a definite five star rating. I strongly recommend that The Rife Handbook be incorporated into curriculums of any university, medical, chiropractic, osteopathic, naturopathic or any health professional school that seeks science based information to disseminate to their students.
Gerald H. Smith, DDS, DNM
Past-President Holistic Dental Association