Could one bottle in your medicine cabinet hold the healing secrets for everything from cysts to toenail fungus?
Excerpts from Jonathan V. Wright, M.D. Nutrition & Healing, 11/1/2002 Newsletter
“Iodine is a basic element, like calcium, zinc, oxygen, etc. The word “iodine” usually refers to two iodine molecules chemically “stuck together,” just as the word “oxygen” usually refers to two oxygen molecules “stuck together.” Since pure iodine is more reactive to other elements, it’s more likely to cause problems, so iodine is usually used as “iodide,” a word that refers to one iodine molecule combined with another molecule — often potassium (KI). So, even though they’re not technically the same, for simplicity’s sake, I’ve used the terms iodine and SSKI (saturated solution of KI) interchangeably in this article (though always meaning SSKI unless noted otherwise).”
“When we’re forced to travel by air, Holly and I drink a few ounces of water with 10 drops of SSKI. The SSKI rapidly accumulates in any and all body secretions, including in the sinuses, where it inhibits or kills bacteria, viruses, and fungi before they can cause an infection.”
SSKI is close to 100 percent effective in eliminating bladder infections, but the amount needed is a relatively high dose, so it’s important to use it with caution.”
“End years of suffering with painful breast and ovarian cysts in as little as three months.” “In minor to moderate cases, 6 to 8 drops of SSKI taken daily in a few ounces of water will frequently reduce fibrocystic breast disease to insignificance within three to six months.”
“Over the past 30 years, I’ve also used SSKI to treat at least 30 women – one of them my own daughter – for ovarian cysts. These cysts usually disappear within two to three months with the same quantity of SSKI mentioned above for breast cysts.”
“But please do not use this treatment for either of these conditions without monitoring your thyroid function.”
“Peyronie’s disease occurs when the tissue along the shaft of the penis thickens, causing erections to become increasingly curved and even painful. Applying SSKI to the thickened tissue twice a day over several months can soften it considerably and eventually allow for more normal functioning.”
“…hemorrhoids will disappear – sometimes literally overnight – when a mixture of 20 drops of SSKI and 1 ounce of flaxseed oil is applied to them at bedtime.”
“Dupuytren’s contracture is a condition sort of along the same lines as Peyronie’s disease, except in this case, the thickened tissue occurs along one of the tendons in the palm of the hand, pulling the connected finger down. If it progresses far enough, sometimes it’s impossible to straighten the finger out at all. Rubbing SSKI into the affected tissue of the palm at least twice a day can “loosen” it and prevent the condition from progressing to the point of causing a deformity or disability.”
“This loosening of thickened tissue also works for scars, especially keloids, which are abnormally thick (sometimes up to an inch) scars. Rubbing SSKI into a keloid at least twice daily will ultimately flatten it down to a normal scar. But patience really is a virtue here: It can take many months to a year for particularly bad ones. You can help the treatment go a bit faster if you mix SSKI “50-50″ with DMSO.”
“Over 30 years ago, two ophthalmologists observed that when they gave patients a combination tablet called “Iodo-niacin” (which contained 120 milligrams of iodide and 15 milligrams of niacin) and instructed them to take it for several months, the supplement actually reversed atherosclerotic clogging of arteries.”
“Cysts and stones melt away with just one dose a day.”
“Sebaceous cysts are another example of SSKI’s ability to dissolve fats and oils. Unlike breast and ovarian cysts, sebaceous cysts contain oily, fatty material and usually appear rather suddenly on the face or in the groin area. But the good news is that you can get rid of them just as quickly as they come on – generally in just a week or two – by rubbing in a mixture of equal parts SSKI and DMSO.”
“Parotid duct stones (which block the ducts that carry your saliva) can be dissolved in four to eight months just by drinking a glass of water containing 3 to 4 drops of SSKI each day.”
“The SSKI and DMSO mixture doesn’t work any faster, but it’s just as effective as antifungal drugs – and definitely safer. Rub it on, around, and under the affected toenails. And make sure to wear old socks, because SSKI and other forms of iodine leave an orange-brown stain.”
“SSKI can also help clear up vaginal infections. Twenty to 30 drops in water, used in a small douche” once daily for five to 10 days will usually do the job.”
“SSKI can help reduce the gas we all get from eating beans. If you soak beans before cooking them, add 1 or 2 drops of SSKI, and let them soak for another hour or so. (Make sure to rinse them and use fresh water for the actual cooking process). You’ll be surprised at how much less gas you feel later.”
Therapeutic Iodine [1]
Therapeutic Actions
- Antibacterial
- Anticancer
- Antiparasitic
- Antiviral
- Mucolytic Agent
Conditions Treated with Iodine
- Breast Disease
- Dupuytren’s Contracture
- Excess Mucous Production
- Fatigue
- Fibrocystic Breasts
- Hemorrhoids
- Headaches and Migraine Headaches
- Keloids
- Ovarian Cysts
- Parotid Duct Stones
- Peyronie’s
- Sebaceous Cysts
- Thyroid Disorders
[1] Iodine, Why You Need It, Why You Can’t Live Without It, David Brownstein, M.D., Medical Alternative Press, 2004. Pages 20, 38-39.