Episode 10: Reversing Cancer the “Old Fashioned Way”

Presents the concept that one must get back to basics to reverse the pathologic process of cancer. Key components are discussed and video testimonials presented by a patient who had his melanoma cured and another patient who had their metastatic lung cancer resolved.

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Conventional Medicine vs Energy Medicine’s Treatment of Cancer

Why is it that most Americans would rather be killed by a notorious doctor rather than be healed by a quack? The answer is threefold: First, from the time you were a child you were brainwashed by the medical establishment that medicine had scientific-based treatments for cancer. The second is fear. By keeping the medical…

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Years of itchy scalp resolved in two days

Having an itchy scalp can be a major annoyance. That was the case with KD. For years she ran the gamut of dermatologists with no resolution. During a conversation with one of her integrated medical doctors, he shared information regarding a veterinary product, Fenbendazole, which is an anti-parasite agent.  KD decided to take the product…

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Episode 6: Real Causes of Cancer

Presents an in depth discussion of the 1920s ground breaking research by Dr. William F. Koch. It also covers the dental cancer connection and the common potential carcinogenic initiators and the mechanisms that cause cancer. Also discussed is the information by medical experts regarding mammograms causing cancer and radiation risks.

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Episode 5: Quantum Medicine – A Major Paradigm Shift

This episode discuses defining the root causes of disease utilizing state-of- the-art electronic technology: CyberScan System, Hyperpolarized light, and the Quantum Testing Technique. These systems are much more sophisticated and accurate in diagnosing the real underlying causes.

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Episode 4: Seven Reasons Why Today’s Conventional Medicine Is Obsolete

Presents a brief overview of today’s illusionary medical practices such as blood tests, cancer treatment, drug therapy, contaminated vaccines, faulty concept of autoimmune disease, misconceptions of congestive heart failure, and the dissemination of false information. This episode is a real eye opener everyone.

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Episode 3: Cancer Remedies Suppressed

Presents how access to the research on natural cures was blocked by the AMA and suppression of alternative cancer therapies: Rife frequency generator, Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski’s antineoplaston cancer treatments and Dr. Otto Warburg’s discovery in 1930s of the real cause of cancer.

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