Dental Cancer Connection
In the 1950’s Joseph Issels, MD, a well-known physician in Germany, made an incredible discovery. After treating thousands of cancer patients using conventional and alternative therapies, he came to the conclusion, that the presence of dental and tonsilar infections prevented successful resolution no matter which form of treatment was used.

What an amazing observation. With over 46 years of clinical practice, I finally connected the dots. Oral infections provide a super waste dump for toxins to drain via the lymphatic system into the thyroid, which in turn lowers one’s immune system. In some cases mercury from filled teeth and oral infections provide major contributory factors that can alter the DNA resulting in pathological replication
Removal involved cutting off an existing lower left 3-unit dental bridge, which was attached to the involved molar. Surgery consisted of meticulous debridement of the infected bone, injection of ozone, homeopathic remedies and ionic silver into the surgical site. Gelfoam, which is a resorbable sponge, was saturated with the homeopathic remedies and sutured into the extraction site. In addition, the patient also had a cavitation (an area of infected bone from a previous third molar extraction) which was surgically debride and treated with the same medicaments. The patient experienced no post-surgical pain or swelling.

By means of Direct Resonance Testing technique it was determined that the jawbone surrounding the infected tooth had cytomegalovirus and mercury. Also of interest was the fact that mercury tested positive in the histologic slides of the cancer. The patient was placed on a raw food diet, a supplement program to address detoxification of her liver and the offending pathogen and a homeopathic remedy for tissue drainage. The two oncologists were amazed that her extensive blood studies were all normal and her CA125, cancer tumor marker, was 22 well within the normal range of below 35. The key to successful cancer treatment is to define the core issues, with special focus on dental infections. Cutting out the cancer, chemotherapy and/or radiation treatments do not address the underlying potential causes and also serve to depress the immune system. In addition, conventional therapies do not address the cancer stem cells and underlying toxicity issues which result in the cancer recurring.
Download the slides from Dr. Smith's presentation on the Dental Whole Body Connection in Ontario on October 25, 2024.
A comprehensive seminar to awaken you to the potential dangers of dental treatments.

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