Facial Trauma and Malocclusion
Approximately two years ago, Keith Calhoun was referred to me by Dr. Anthony Sims for evaluation and treatment of cranial distortions and malocclusion. Keith’s primary chief complaints were facial tension, neck , hip and lower back pain. No amount of chiropractic manipulation or conventional orthodontics (braces) decreased his complaints. An initial comprehensive examination revealed cranial bone distortions, from a possible facial fracture he had as a teenager, and a severe malocclusion in which his posterior teeth were edge-to-edge and an anterior cross bite.
Treatment focused primarily on expansion of his maxillae and mandible both transversely and sagittally by means of conventional braces. During orthodontic treatment, Keith’s cranial alignment was monitored by means of cranial indicators that Dr. Smith developed. Because of the severe cranial bone and developmental dental bone distortions, treatment required approximately two years to achieve occlusal (bite) and cranial balance. Presently, Keith has had an 80% to 90% reduction in his facial
tightness and virtually no lower back or hip pain.
Because of the interrelationship of the dental chewing muscles, cranial bones and interlink with the pelvic bones and muscles, stabilizing the skull and bite has stabilized his lower back and pelvis. Unfortunately, these concepts are not taught in the dental or chiropractic schools. As the great Canadian physician, Sir William Osler once stated, a physician can only see what he or she was trained to see. Even though these imbalances are literally staring them in the face, they cannot see them. For anyone wanting to gain more information on chronic pain issues, I recommend reading Dr. Smith’s books, Alternative Treatment for Conquering Chronic Pain and Remove the “Splinters” and Watch the Body Heal (both available from ICNR.com).
The takeaway message is it behoves you to ask your dental practitioner how is he arm she going to monitor your dental treatment during braces or even routine dental restorations that will change the bitting surfaces of your teeth. For more information on this topic go to www.icnr.com.
Download the slides from Dr. Smith's presentation on the Dental Whole Body Connection in Ontario on October 25, 2024.
A comprehensive seminar to awaken you to the potential dangers of dental treatments.
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