Congestive Heart Failure Reversed With Natural Supplements
Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) is a common condition within our population. CHF affects more than 4.5 million people in the USA, with nearly half a million new cases being diagnosed each year.
It is also estimated that nearly 20 million people have unsuspected heart failure, and are likely to develop symptoms in the next 1-5 years. The many symptoms of Congestive Heart Failure result from the inability of the heart to pump adequate amounts of blood to the various parts of the body (brain, arms, legs, organs, tissues, etc.) and the fluid backup that results within the organs.
A decreased blood supply to the brain results in dizziness whereas the legs will often become swollen with fluid. When the blood pressure drops because of a weakened heart muscle, the kidneys cannot properly remove the waste products from the blood.
The direct result is kidney failure, which causes the body to build up to toxic waste, which eventually causes the death of the patient.
Conventional Medicine Treatments for Congestive Heart Failure
Traditional medicine treats Congestive Heart Failure with medications – starting with:
- Diuretics
- ACE inhibitors
- Angiotensin-2 blockers
- Carvedilol
- Digitalis.
Other drugs that may be used in the treatment of Congestive Heart Failure include
- spironolactone – which has been shown to preserve potassium and reduce the deterioration of CHF
- “blood thinners” – that reduce the risk of blood clots
- antiarrhythmic agents – to treat dangerous irregular heart beats
- blood pressure medications – when ACE inhibitors are unable to controlthe high blood pressue, or is contraindicated
By integrating medications when appropriately indicated with specific nutrients to feed the heart muscles, the patient has a much better chance of reversing the cardiac damage.
Employing an orthodox approach of only drugs, greatly reduces the patient’s chances of repairing their heart.
Doctor’s Note: Every patient is a chemical individual and must be examined to determine the source (infections in the jaw bone, nutritional deficiencies, damaged heart muscle, nerve degeneration, heavy metal toxicity, etc.) of their congestive heart failure.
It is also imperative that each patient be tested for supplements that will neutralize their specific problem. Using a standard protocol for all CHF patients is not realistic and greatly reduces one’s chances for success.
The following case study is being presented to demonstrate that in certain situations congestive heart failure can be reversed. This study is not intended to suggest that all congestive heart patients can be treated with the same protocol.
This case study is being presented in the hope that interest will be stimulated among physicians and patients to explore an integrated approach to this most serious malady that is plaguing our population.
Congestive Heart Failure Case Study
Patient: 73-year-old Caucasian male diagnosed with Congestive Heart Failure.
History of Present Illness: The patient was admitted 08/18/99 to the Lourdes Hospital intensive care unit with severe fatigue, hallucinations, confusion, nausea, and vomiting. He was found to be in severe biventricular heart failure and was treated initially with intravenous inotropic support in the form of Dobutamine and given intravenous diuretics. He was seen by a local cardiologist.
The patient had brief runs of non-sustained ventricular tachycardia, as well as episodes of supraventricular tachycardia which, upon review, appeared to be paroxysmal atrial tachycardia, atrial flutter, and possibly one episode of atrial fibrillation. An echocardiogram showed severe mitral insufficiency and severe left ventricular dysfunction. The estimated ejection fraction was approximately 15 to 20%. There was some suggestion of left ventricular thrombi for which the patient was started on Heparin and then Coumadin.
The patient, Walter Kruse, was in hospice waiting to die.
Because of Walter’s age, a heart transplant was not available. Medical testing performed by Kennedy Memorial Hospitals revealed the following findings on July 13, 1999:
- No blocked coronary arteries.
- Abnormal left ventricular contractility of a dilated left ventricle with severe reduction in the overall left ventricular systolic function. The ejection fraction estimated at 15-20%.
- There is mild mitral valve regurgitation.
- Severe pulmonary hypertension is present.
Within three months after the first evaluation, the patient’s heart deteriorated. The mild mitral valve regurgitation progressed to severe.
University of Pennsylvania Health System
Echocardiography Report 10/26/99:
- Moderate biatrial enlargement. Moderate right and left ventricular enlargement.
- Evidence of severe cariomyopathy involving the left ventricle.
- Mitral valve is structurally normal although there is severe regurgitation.
- Moderate tricuspid valve regurgiation.
- Severe pulmonary hypertension.
- Aortic valve is sclerotic without stenosis. There is trace regurgitation.
During the interim period between October 26, 1999, and June 16, 2000, Walter Kruse was placed on a custom nutritional supplement program specifically designed to support the repair of heart tissue, strengthen the mitral value and right ventricle.
Because of the severity of the patient’s condition, Walter was taking 80 vitamins per day.
Within approximately 7 months the following documented changes were independently recorded by a medical facility.
Shore Memorial Hospital
Cardiac Diagnostics 6/16/00
- Tricuspid valve – within normal limits.
- Mitral valve – within normal limits.
- Left ventricle – Estimated ejection fraction 40-50%.
- Right ventricle – Normal in size and systolic function.
- Aortic valve – Within normal limits.
- Right and left atria – Mildly dilated.
It must be clearly understood that NOT all patients can be reversed. Sometimes the damage is too extensive and the overall state of health is very poor which precludes any success. Each patient must be evaluated on their own merits and their own findings will then dictate which treatment protocols should be used.
Traditional allopathic medicine provides the same protocol for all patients with the same symptoms. This treatment approach often times does not address the patient’s problems.
At the time of writing this Case Study – Walter Kruse is alive and lives a full and productive life. He is healthier now than before his congestive heart episode. The documentation shows that in this patient the mitral valve and right ventricle did heal. Walter is living testimony that there is a better way.
Case treated by Dr. Gerald H. Smith
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