Lowering of IQ with Standard Orthodontic Techniques
IQ / Orthodontics Connection
Standard orthodontic technique recommends the use of rapid palatal expansion devices as a quick way to widen a narrow palate. The widening process is accomplished by means of a rigid device (Hyrax) that is literally fixed to the upper teeth by means of orthodontic bands and dental cement. The appliance has stainless steel arms that extend off of stainless steel bands that fit around the molar teeth on either side. Joining the spider like arms is a screw that fits in the middle of the palate. The parent is instructed to turn the screw with a special key once each night before the child goes to sleep. The objective of this treatment is to separate the suture (space) that lies between the two bones that make up the roof of the child’s palate.
Although this approach will mechanically widen the upper arch or maxillae, it comes with a heavy neurologic price. Newton’s Third Law of Physics states, “for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction.” The human skull is made up of a total of 28 bones. These bones are joined together by means of sutures and the internal compartment of the skull has a membrane system that attaches the front to the back and one side to the other. Use of a rapid palatal expanding device causes an increased tension within the dural membrane system as well as requires the entire skull to adjust to the great forces generated by turning the screw. Since the skull system cannot quickly adapt to the rapid changes created by opening the screw, the generated stresses are dissipated via twisting patterns within the skull bones and dural membrane system. These distortions have the potential for being the direct cause for neurologic dysfunction within the patient.
Nerves innervate the sutures or spaces between the skull bones and traversed by small blood vessels, which in turn have their own nerves. The dural dural membranes are also innerved with sensory nerves from the trigeminal or fifth cranial nerve (largest of the twelve cranial nerves). The tensions generated by the rapid widening process stimulate abnormal nerve impulses into the central nervous system. There is also a major pumping system that involves the brain, skull bones, dural membranes and surrounding cerebrospinal fluid- primary respiratory system. This pumping system also becomes distorted with the rapid widening generated from the expansion of the screw. Osteopathic and chiropractic physicians learn about the functionality of this system in their professional training. Unfortunately most dentists and orthodontists have no knowledge of its existence and continue to treat patients as if their heads are a solid block of bone. Lacking the anatomic knowledge and system functionality provides the basis for well meaning dentists to violate nature’s architectural principles and thus wreak havoc on an unsuspecting patient.
Why conventional orthodontics must change.
Case Report:
AM is an 8 year old female who was diagnosed with severe Attention Deficient Disorder (ADD). This child was under the treatment of a university trained orthodontist who had treated the patient with a rapid palatal expansion device (Hyrax) for 9 months. The upper jaw was expanded to a position were the lower posterior teeth were not capable of making proper contact with the upper posterior molars. As a result of the misalignment, the child had a difficult time chewing her food.
Brief Medical history
- 3/99 Diagnosed with Central Auditory Processing (attends a school for children with learning differences); 5 sets of myringotomy (ear) tubes.
- 4/00 Started traditional orthodontics: Hyrax placed 4/1/00.
- More jittery
- Developed headaches
- Apathetic: did not want to try to read or learn any subject.
- 8/01 Dr. Smith removed Hyrax appliance: immediate changes
- Child became immediately more calm.
- Within two weeks started to read road signs, cereal boxes, newspaper & magazine headlines. Patient read 58 pages in her grade level book.
- 12/01 Improved alignment of cranial bones with ALF appliance
- Child’ reading ability improved dramatically to wear she is now reading up to her grade level.
- Child is now capable of doing her grade level math
- Child’s overall learning ability has improve rapidly
- Child’s attitude about school and life has become very positive.
Although the child’s treatment has not been completed, she continues to improve scholastically at an accelerated rate. An important fact that must be taken into consideration in ADD patients is that patients with a deep overbite and severe retruded lower jaw have a decreased flow of blood to the brain. This results from the functional anatomic relationship of the center of rotation of the lower jaw being located at the atlas/axis (first and second cervical vertebrae). When a dysfunction exists between the lower and upper jaws there is always a compensatory dysfunction of the upper first and second cervical vertebrae. Anatomically, the vertebral artery that supplies the brain runs through the transverse processes of the atlas (first cervical vertebrae). Invariably the atlas is subluxated or out of alignment in patients who have deep overbites and retruded lower jaws.
An important fact that must be taken into consideration when treating Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) patients is that those with a deep overbite and severe retruded lower jaw have a decreased flow of blood to the brain.
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