6 months of lower back pain from a work injury resolved
Ed Young injured his lower back in a job related accident. For 6 months he suffered low back pain despite physical therapy and pain medications. Finally Ed’s wife referred him to our office for evaluation and treatment. Just as in the previous case of post-whiplash injury, the trauma to Ed’ lower back caused his cranial motion to be reversed. Treatment focused to resetting Ed’s cranial motion back to factory default. Immediately following therapy, Ed’s six months of pain totally resolved.
Post-Whiplash Pain
Someone once stated that a genius is someone who recognizes the obvious. Through my 42 plus years of post-graduate training, I have had the good fortune of studying with a handful of geniuses who taught me basic concepts of how the human body really functions. Dr. Smith’s contribution was integrating these various concepts into a comprehensive treatment approach.
Every structure must have a stable foundation. The human body is no different. One key area that is overlooked by 99.9% of practitioners is the functional motion of the human skull. There is a natural rhythm which governs its motion. A traumatic accident such as a whiplash injury often disrupts this rhythm. When this occurs, tension is dramatically increased along the entire dural membrane system that extends from around the brain, through the base of the skull, attaches to the upper three cervical vertebrae and then travels down to its final attachment at the sacrum. This is why it is referred to as the cranial sacral system. When the neck muscles get injured from micro trauma from a motor vehicle or similar incident, the dural membrane tension directly affects the entire nervous system. Often patients exhibit pain patterns down one half of the body which does not respond to conventional therapies. The reason is simple. The underlying reason is not being corrected. The following two video case testimonials reinforce this basic concept.
The closer one gets to the truth, the simpler the solution. The key to resolving chronic pain is correcting the cause(s).
Download the slides from Dr. Smith's presentation on the Dental Whole Body Connection in Ontario on October 25, 2024.
A comprehensive seminar to awaken you to the potential dangers of dental treatments.

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