25 Years of Migraine Headaches Connected to Mercury

Headaches can mean more than sheer physical torture-they can disrupt work, destroy weekend plans, even put a strain on a marriage. In reality, chronic headaches can destroy one’s quality of life.

Treating patients with chronic migraine headaches present one of the biggest challenges a physician will ever face.

Robert C. has had migraine headaches since 1976. His chronic pain did not respond to traditional medical cures and diminished his quality of life. One month following the removal of his last mercury filling, Robert realized that his migraine headaches of 25-year duration was no longer an issue. His daily big smile attests to his renewed state of well-being


Headaches can mean more than sheer physical torture-they can disrupt work, destroy weekend plans, even put a strain on a marriage. In reality, chronic headaches can destroy one’s quality of life.

It has been estimated that approximately 25 million people suffer from migraine headaches. Its victims are of all ages and are from all walks of life. Some of the more notable sufferers were the noted psychiatrist Sigmund Freud, novelist Lewis Carroll, philosopher Immanuel Kant and Paul, the Apostle.

The word “migraine” originated more than 2500 years ago during the time of Hippocrates. It was the Greek physician Galen in the second century A.D. who first called the malady “hemicrania,” a Greek word meaning “half skull.” The present-day term migraine was derived from the French.

Migraine Symptoms

Commonly, the migraine headache is visualized as a throbbing, recurrent pain that affects one side of the head. Although the symptoms of migraine are varied, approximately 10 percent of the victims suffer the more common classic form.

Approximately two hours prior to the onset of pain, the patient experiences prodromal visual phenomena. These may consist of flashing or shimmering lights, visual floaters, zigzag patterns of lines, blind spots in the visual field, and even temporary loss of vision in one eye.

Additional early signs may include paresthesia or tingling in an arm or foot that progressively spreads through a portion or entire half of the body on the opposite side where the migraine will strike.

Accompanying these early warning signs may be depression, feelings of helplessness, irritability, and impending doom.

Triggers of Migraine Headaches

There are many triggers of a migraine headache: color dyes in food; physical (physical exertion and fatigue), psychological(emotional tension), and environmental factors (weather changes preceding hot, dry winds, and thunderstorms).

Other triggers involve intense light and glare, head injury, birth control pill, hunger, alcohol, certain cheeses, chocolate and red wines, menstruation and menopause, various drugs, high altitude, excessive vitamin A, strong odors from perfumes, solvents or smoke, cold foods, pregnancy, high humidity, and flickering lights.

Another major triggering factor that has come to light is the poisonous effects of mercury that leak out of conventional dental filling.

Mercury Migraine Connection

Mercury fillings have been used in America as early as 1833. Its safety has never been proven scientifically and continues to be used routinely by many dentists to fill tooth cavities.

As the second most toxic substance on this planet (second only to plutonium), mercury leaks out of dental fillings to enter the body. Mercury can interfere with virtually any process or organ in the body.

Of considerable importance is the documented fact that mercury has an affinity for nerve tissue and the amount of mercury that concentrates in the brain is proportional to the number of mercury fillings one has in their mouth. It has also been documented that as mercury travels along the nerve fiber, it destroys the tubulin tracts within the nerve.

As an enzyme poison, mercury disrupts many bodily processes with the end result that its victims can suffer from a multitude of symptoms: allergies, anxiety, bad temper, bloating, increased blood pressure, chest pains, depression, dizziness, fatigue, stomach problems, gum disease, insomnia, lack of concentration, headaches and migraine headaches to name a few.

  • allergies
  • anxiety
  • bad temper
  • bloating
  • increased blood pressure
  • chest pains
  • depression
  • dizziness
  • fatigue
  • stomach problems
  • gum disease
  • insomnia
  • lack of concentration
  • headaches and migraine headaches


Download the slides from Dr. Smith's presentation on the Dental Whole Body Connection in Ontario on October 25, 2024.

A comprehensive seminar to awaken you to the potential dangers of dental treatments.

Dr. Gerald H. Smith

About The Author

Dr. Gerald H. Smith is certified by the World Organization for Natural Medicine to practice natural medicine globally. He is also a certified dental practitioner. His broad base of post-graduate training in dentistry and natural medicine enabled him to integrate many health care specialties.