Noises in the Head Resolved with New Dentures
Margaret G. was 75 years‑old and presented the chief complaint of hearing noises in here head. To most practitioners, Margaret would have been view as one of those crazy patients. The dynamics are structurally based. When dentures lose vertical height they change the dynamics of cranial bone alignment and intra cranial vascular and lymphatic drainage system function. The fluid flow can be altered with vasoconstriction or narrowing of the blood vessels. Similar to crimping a water hose. The noises reflect friction caused by the fluids passing through a narrowed vessel.
Treatment consisted of cranial bone alignment just prior to taking the impressions for her new dentures. The manipulation is essential before the impression so as to capture a balanced maxillae. Otherwise taking an impression on a distorted upper jaw (maxillae) would only serve to keep the cranial distortions locked in and no change of symptoms.
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