Re-Treating Four Bicuspid Extraction Retraction Orthodontics vs. Insanity

Einstein’s famous quote defining insanity appropriately describes conventional orthodontic’s approach to retreating failed four bicuspid amputation retraction cases. A case in point is, who was treated twice with full orthodontic braces with no resolution of her frequent headaches, facial pain, facial pressure, clogged left ear, TMJ clicking, upper cervical, lower back pain, hip pain, and twisting of her pelvis. The missing piece of the puzzle was the cranial distortions created by science based conventional orthodontic treatment concepts. By removing teeth and bring the upper front anteriors (canine to canine) back to close the amputation (extraction) spaces, the skull literally becomes compressed and torqued or twisted. This anomaly translates into compression of cranial sutures (expansion and contraction joints of the skull), abnormal muscle and ligament function, and twisting the dural membrane system, which expends down through the base of the skull, attaches to the upper three cervical vertebrae and extends down to the second sacral tubercle.

Using the Diagnostic Indicators developed by Dr. Smith, Candace’s cranial bone distortions were defined and provided the guidelines for retreating her case from a more physiological approach. An upper ALF (Advanced Lightwire Functional) appliance was designed to unravel the skull compression and take out the twisting pattern. The treatment process must be slow to allow the entire system to adapt and remodel to the structural changes being made. Two years of re-treatment for the third time has resulted in no more headaches, no more facial pain, no more facial pressure, intermittent clogging of the left ear, no more clicking of the TM joints, greatly reduced cervical, lower back, and hip pain. Unfortunately conventional dentistry and many functional orthodontists do not know that they do not know and this is the reason practitioners keep repeating their mistakes with the same result.

The ALF System provides a major missing piece in the orthodontic puzzle. Correcting the underlining Cranial/Dental distortions establishes structural stability not attainable with conventional and or functional orthodontics.

Using the Diagnostic Indicators developed by Dr. Smith, patient’s cranial bone distortions were defined and provided the guidelines for retreating her case from a more physiological approach.


Download the slides from Dr. Smith's presentation on the Dental Whole Body Connection in Ontario on October 25, 2024.

A comprehensive seminar to awaken you to the potential dangers of dental treatments.

Dr. Gerald H. Smith

About The Author

Dr. Gerald H. Smith is certified by the World Organization for Natural Medicine to practice natural medicine globally. He is also a certified dental practitioner. His broad base of post-graduate training in dentistry and natural medicine enabled him to integrate many health care specialties.