The head bone is connected to the foot bone

I just had a patient come up from Miami, Florida. Maria’s chief complaint was left foot pain when walking. The pressure on her front part beneath her toes triggered a dull aching pain. A basic principle in chiropractic is that in most instances the area of symptoms is not the source of the problem. In taking my medical history, the patient stated that she had dental work done just prior to the onset of her foot symptom. Her dentist replaced old resin sealants that filled in the crevices in the biting surfaces of the posterior teeth. As usual, the dentist had no clue as to the direct connection the bite had with the balance of the cranial bones. Restoration of the bitting surfaces of the posterior teeth altered the bitting pressure on the maxillae, which in turn torqued or twisted the patient’s temporal bones. There is a reciprocal relationship between the temporal bones and the pelvic bones. Twisting of the temporal bones resulted in twisting the hip bones causing her left foot to be functionally shorter than her right foot. The imbalance resulted in compression of the joints of the feet.

Treatment involved a comprehensive adjustment of the patient’s cranium. Three-quarters through the adjustment, the patient’s feet lengths even out. Upon completing the cranial adjustment, the patient was asked to walk down the hallway. Upon return Maria stated that her left foot no longer hurt.

Remember with no diagnosis there is no treatment. A good practitioner listens to his patient and then connects the dots on the potential relationships. Once the cranial distortion was diagnosed, it was a no brainer. This is another example of how such patients fall through the cracks with no resolution of symptoms because all the practitioners would be treating the hurting left foot. The attached photos document the change in leg lengths following cranial alignment. The video testimonial verifies the results.

Pre-Treatment: The right foot is shorter than the left not vertically but in a horizontal plane.

Post-Treatment: Immediately following the comprehensive cranial adjustment the right and left foot became even in a horizontal plane. The patient’s pain when walking immediately disappeared.


Download the slides from Dr. Smith's presentation on the Dental Whole Body Connection in Ontario on October 25, 2024.

A comprehensive seminar to awaken you to the potential dangers of dental treatments.

Dr. Gerald H. Smith

About The Author

Dr. Gerald H. Smith is certified by the World Organization for Natural Medicine to practice natural medicine globally. He is also a certified dental practitioner. His broad base of post-graduate training in dentistry and natural medicine enabled him to integrate many health care specialties.