TMJ Pain and Clicking Resolved in one treatment
In October 2023, a 71-year old female patient presented with the chief complaints of jaw pain and clicking. The patient, PN, went to her family dentist who fabricated a lower orthotic dental appliance at a cost of $500. Unfortunately, the device did not solve the pain and clicking problem. The dentist did not define the “splinters” or initiators of the problem. He was just treating the symptoms.
My examination revealed that the patient’s cranium was distorted. PN’s left temporal bone was in internal rotation and her right temporal bone was locked in external rotation causing dysfunction of her TM joints. Treatment consisted of a comprehensive cranial adjustment to realign the temporal bones and reset the motion of the sphenobasilar symphysis (base of the human skull). At the completion of the adjustment, PN’s pain totally disappeared. The clicking resolved several days later. It has been one year since the initial treatment and the patient is still free of symptoms.
If a door frame is out of alignment, does the carpenter shave the door down to make it fit the crooked door frame? Logically, the door frame must be straightened to enable the door to swing normally. The same concept applies to the temporomandibular joint. The temporal bones represent the door frame and they must be realigned in order for the TM joint to function normally. The take-away message is that the root cause must be defined in order to solve the problem.
Download the slides from Dr. Smith's presentation on the Dental Whole Body Connection in Ontario on October 25, 2024.
A comprehensive seminar to awaken you to the potential dangers of dental treatments.

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