What do Skin Rashes, Dermatitis, and Earrings have in Common?
The answer is nickel. Web MD provides the following description: “A nickel allergy usually shows up as a rash or irritation in the area that is in contact with the metal. The rash doesn’t usually spread beyond where the nickel touches the skin.” Based on my 54 plus years of clinical practice this description is misleading. The following case was recently treated in my office. On September 23, 2024, Kathy Y. presented chief complaints of a skin rash on the left side of her neck and shoulder. She also had a dermatitis on her hands. If she had gone to a dermatologist, he would have most likely prescribed a steroid cream to suppress the inflammation. Unfortunately, the rashes would return when the drug was stopped. Why? because the root cause was not addressed. Traditional medicine treats symptoms not causes.
My energetic testing determined that the patient’s silver earrings contained nickel in them. The nickel ions released from her earrings was the root cause of her neck and should rash and her dermatological condition on her hands. Kathy was recommended to never wear earrings containing nickel; she was then placed on a homeopathic remedy to chelate the nickel and several food based anti-inflammatory supplements. On Kathy’s follow-up visit on November 4, 2024, there was a dramatic change in her condition. The enclosed photos document the results corroborating my correct diagnosis and nutritional approach. Of interest, I have treated other cases involving nickel reactions that caused hypothyroidism from nickel ions migrating from an orthodontic retaining wire placed behind the lower front teeth. Even use of surgical stainless steel screws, which has nickel in it, can cause abdominal rashes and chronic swelling at the surgical site. These cases have also resolved once the root cause, nickel, was chelated out of the body
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