Your Earrings May be the Cause of Your Jaw Pain and Swollen Lymph Node

One of my existing patients, Maria Glass, came in approximately two months ago with the chief complaints of pain in her jawbone, pain in her parotid glands, and bilateral swollen lymph nodes beneath her lower jaw. Maria was wearing looped earrings. I asked her what the earrings were made of. She replied silver.

I told her that most silver earrings have nickel in them as a hardening agent. When I tested the earrings energetically, it confirmed my suspicion. Interestingly, the nickel was present in her parotid glands, lower jawbone, and in her swollen lymph nodes beneath her lower jaw. I told her she must stop wearing silver earrings if she wanted to resolve her medical problem.

One month after Maria stopped wearing silver earrings, all her pain and swelling disappeared. Another happy camper.


Download the slides from Dr. Smith's presentation on the Dental Whole Body Connection in Ontario on October 25, 2024.

A comprehensive seminar to awaken you to the potential dangers of dental treatments.

Dr. Gerald H. Smith

About The Author

Dr. Gerald H. Smith is certified by the World Organization for Natural Medicine to practice natural medicine globally. He is also a certified dental practitioner. His broad base of post-graduate training in dentistry and natural medicine enabled him to integrate many health care specialties.