Posts Tagged ‘Ask Dr Smith’
7 Superior Covid-19 Treatments That Are Being Suppressed
And The Clinical Data That Proves It The Lancet reports that on average, it takes 10 years to develop a vaccine. There was very limited testing, which has not assessed the long-term effects of the vaccine. Pharmaceutical companies are pushing people to take the vaccine and are making people think that it’s the only option…
Read MoreDepression Symptoms, Causes, and Natural Cures
Understanding depression Depression is a mood disorder in which people experience feelings of sadness, loneliness, and loss of interest for long periods of time. Depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide. Depression Symptoms are 3 Times Higher During COVID-19 Lockdown The video below is a recording of a live-stream hosted by myself, Dr. Stanley…
Read MoreFrequency: The Universal Healer
Healing frequencies have existed for hundreds of years. Everything in the universe vibrates at a signature frequency. Every grain of sand, mineral, food, chemical, living cell all vibrates at their own specific frequency. Frequency is the language that all life understands at a cellular level. It is the foundation upon which every physiological process is…
Read MoreHow to Detox Vaccines and Antidote COVID-19 Inoculations (A Global Perspective)
There is no simple approach to detox vaccines from your body. For this reason, you must understand how vaccines affect your body and your immune system and then take a comprehensive approach to the vaccine detox. Little known history: The Faulty Germ Theory Narrative In the 1860s, the French chemist and researcher, Antoine Bechamp developed…
Read MoreAdverse Effects of COVID-19 Vaccine
Prologue: Within five years, 80 percent or more of those who have been vaccinated, either by choice or by coercion, will at worst be dead, and at best, will be deathly injured due to prions, spike proteins, Messenger RNA converted into transhumanist DNA; anaphylactic shock, paralysis of the lungs, fatal blood clotting, and a cocktail…
Read MoreThe Truth About COVID | What Your Doctor Won’t Tell You
COVID-19 is NOT the seasonal flu. COVID-19 was Patented in 2015 therefore it is man-made. COVID-19 is not a vaccine but gene therapy designed to thin the population. COVID-19 was conveniently implemented by the Deep State as a narrative to mask their ultimate agenda of instituting worldwide socialism, launching the 5G Network, and driving…
Read MoreRepairing the Damages of Strokes and Heart Attacks
Albert Einstein gave one of the best descriptions of insanity when he said “Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is insanity.” For those who are looking for the “magic bullet” to repair the damage of stroke and heart attack and are not willing to change their lifestyle, which…
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