
What do Skin Rashes, Dermatitis, and Earrings have in Common?

By Dr. Gerald H. Smith

The answer is nickel. Web MD provides the following description: “A nickel allergy usually shows up as a rash or irritation in the area that is in contact with the metal. The rash doesn’t usually spread beyond where the nickel touches the skin.” Based on my 54 plus years of clinical practice this description is…

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Cancer Reversed the Old Fashion Way

By Dr. Gerald H. Smith

Would you stay with your oncologist if he or she told you your cancer is not big enough to operate? What a brilliant approach. Well this is what they told 82 year-old Kay N. who had lung cancer. There were three small nodules in the opposite lung that the surgeon removed a cancerous mass. The…

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Chronic Headaches, Chronic Fatigue, Mental Fog, Suicidal Tendencies, Bilateral Shoulder Pain, Neck and Low back Pain, Sensitive Teeth, and Persistent Facial Rash.

By Dr. Gerald H. Smith

On the 27th of October, 2024 Kristi presented with multiple symptoms related to multiple post concussion events that were incurred from playing ice hockey. She was also scheduled to get surgery for a chronic left shoulder pain. A comprehensive examination revealed: Treatment included: At the completion of the 90 minute appointment, all Kristi’s pain (bilateral…

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TMJ Pain and Clicking Resolved in one treatment

By Dr. Gerald H. Smith

In October 2023, a 71-year old female patient presented with the chief complaints of jaw pain and clicking. The patient, PN, went to her family dentist who fabricated a lower orthotic dental appliance at a cost of $500. Unfortunately, the device did not solve the pain and clicking problem. The dentist did not define the…

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Can a Cat Infected with Feline Leukemia be Brought into Remission?

By Dr. Gerald H. Smith

Conventional veterinary experts say there is no cure. They also say that it is a retrovirus that can be transmitted from infected cats when the transfer of saliva or nasal secretions is involved. The conventional experts also say that If is not defeated by the animal’s immune system, the virus can weaken the cat’s immune…

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Facial Trauma and Malocclusion

By Dr. Gerald H. Smith

Approximately two years ago, Keith Calhoun was referred to me by Dr. Anthony Sims for evaluation and treatment of cranial distortions and malocclusion. Keith’s primary chief complaints were facial tension, neck , hip and lower back pain. No amount of chiropractic manipulation or conventional orthodontics (braces) decreased his complaints. An initial comprehensive examination revealed cranial…

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Your Earrings May be the Cause of Your Jaw Pain and Swollen Lymph Node

By Dr. Gerald H. Smith

One of my existing patients, Maria Glass, came in approximately two months ago with the chief complaints of pain in her jawbone, pain in her parotid glands, and bilateral swollen lymph nodes beneath her lower jaw. Maria was wearing looped earrings. I asked her what the earrings were made of. She replied silver. I told…

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We are killing our pets and ourselves?

By Dr. Gerald H. Smith

The two go hand-in hand. Our pets are subjected to the same toxins that we humansare exposed to. Why are people so surprised. Cancer is the number one killer of cats.One in five cats will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetimes. Dogs fare no better; onein four dogs greater than 2 years of age…

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The head bone is connected to the foot bone

By Dr. Gerald H. Smith

I just had a patient come up from Miami, Florida. Maria’s chief complaint was left foot pain when walking. The pressure on her front part beneath her toes triggered a dull aching pain. A basic principle in chiropractic is that in most instances the area of symptoms is not the source of the problem. In…

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If You Take Zinc You Won’t Stink

By Dr. Gerald H. Smith

Underarm deodorant advertisers cleverly use the Hegelian dialectic approach of Problem, Reaction, Solution to promote their lotions and potions. The Problem: body odor; Reaction: it’s embarrassing to be around people; Solution: I must buy a good underarm deodorant. The missing part of this equation that most people do not factor in is price. Yes price.…

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