
Stage 4 Lung Cancer Improved with Nutritional Protocol In 2 Months

By Dr. Gerald H. Smith

Most people lose it when they get a diagnosis of the Big “C”. Not Deborah Kerridge a 64 year-old feisty Canadian resident. She viewed her diagnosis as a life changing event and became extremely proactive. The following is a brief over view of her commitment to get well: Twice weekly intravenous Vitamin C at 75…

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24 years of pain, paresthesia, and malocclusion resolved in 1 hour

By Dr. Gerald H. Smith

Twenty-four years ago, Judith Hagan underwent a surgical procedure to remove a cholesteatoma (benign bone tumor) from her right ear. The surgery was a success however it left Judith with facial pain, paresthesia, and the inability to close her teeth comfortably. Judith literally went around with her teeth apart because they would not articulate. As…

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6 years of post-whiplash injuries resolved in 30 minutes

By Dr. Gerald H. Smith

Doctor Tran was in a severe motor vehicle accident 20 years ago. She was unbelted in the vehicle and incurred multiple traumas from a table that was being transported. Six years ago Dr. Tran developed constant numbness down her left arm accompanied with tingling. She also developed a painful trigger point in her left Trapezius…

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Dental Cancer Connection

By Dr. Gerald H. Smith

In the 1950’s Joseph Issels, MD, a well-known physician in Germany, made an incredible discovery. After treating thousands of cancer patients using conventional and alternative therapies, he came to the conclusion, that the presence of dental and tonsilar infections prevented successful resolution no matter which form of treatment was used. What an amazing observation. With…

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Loss of quality of life due to faulty Orthodontics

By Dr. Gerald H. Smith

Greg was 15 years-old when he got braces. For two years he underwent treatment including “headgear” and rapid palatal expansion to “straighten” his teeth. Unbeknownst to him his cranium was simultaneously being distortored. At age 17 Greag’s orthodontic treatment was completed. The cranial distortions created by the orthodontic treatment set Greg up for an accident…

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10 years of neck and back pain linked to faulty orthodontics

By Dr. Gerald H. Smith

University trained orthodontists focus primarily on straightening the teeth and providing a pretty smile. The only caveat to this approach is they know not what they do. If you don’t believe me just ask your orthodontist what direct affect the braces have on the cranium. Then watch for the puzzled look on his or here…

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Craniodontic Skull Teeth Connection

By Dr. Gerald H. Smith

For many years dental research has studied the relationship of posture to the individual’s bite. And, unfortunately, even today most dentists believe that it is currently impossible to make a clinical diagnosis of whether the bite of each person is either normal or abnormal. Traditional dentistry has no standard that is agreed upon to evaluate…

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ALF Orthopedic Expansion

By Dr. Gerald H. Smith

Balancing the skull bones helps ensure a more normal neurologic and spinal function throughout the patient’s life. The conventional orthodontic treatment recommends the extraction of four healthy bicuspid teeth for a 12-year-old, Melissa T. to make room for the crowded remaining teeth. The crowding was created by the underdevelopment of the patient’s dental arches. By…

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Congestive Heart Failure Reversed With Natural Supplements

By Dr. Gerald H. Smith

Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) is a common condition within our population. CHF affects more than 4.5 million people in the USA, with nearly half a million new cases being diagnosed each year. It is also estimated that nearly 20 million people have unsuspected heart failure, and are likely to develop symptoms in the next 1-5…

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Chronic Neck Pain Dental Connection

By Dr. Gerald H. Smith

The original medical treatment plan recommended surgery to fuse the cervical vertebrae in the herniated area, C5-6. Embarking on the surgical path would have proved detrimental to the patient’s recovery. Background Patient John K. presented with a past medical history of five years of neck pain (with exacerbation during the colder months) that did not…

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