Case Studies

20 Years of Vertigo Resolved in Six Weeks

By Dr. Gerald H. Smith

Cathy McClean was referred to my office for the chief complaint of vertigo. For the past twenty years Cathy has been treated for “crystals” in her middle ears, by chiropractors, physical therapists, placed on valium by a medical doctor, and other therapies none of which had any impact. Examination revealed an under active thyroid, which…

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Post Shoulder Trauma Pain and Dysfunction

By Dr. Gerald H. Smith

In 2018, Ibrahim was cliff diving and unfortunately, on one of his dives, he hit the water at a bad angle and damaged his left shoulder. Several surgeries later, physical therapy, chiropractic treatment, and various other adjunctive therapies still left Ibrahim with the left shoulder, low back, and neck pain. One of the missing links…

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Cranial, Dental, Whole Body Connection

By Dr. Gerald H. Smith

One advantage of teaching is that you expose many more people to the truth of how the body works. This was the case with Lori Smith. Lori was enrolled in the World Organization For Natural Medicine’s Stewardship program of which I was one of ten professors teaching the program. As is often the case, the…

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Cranial-Dental, Breathing, Low Back, and Hip Connection

By Dr. Gerald H. Smith

There are no accidents in the universe. Miriam Denum was referred to my office for a broken temporary bridge. The patient related a primary chief complaint of tooth sensitivity to heat. Before repair of Miriam’s bridge, her cranium was assessed. The premise is real simple. If the foundation is crooked, restoring the broken bridge into…

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Chronic Stomach Pain Resolved with Cranial Adjustment

By Dr. Gerald H. Smith

Shelly was scheduled for surgery to alleviate severe, constant stomach pain. The universe connected her to me via a chance meeting with my secretary. In addition to her stomach ulcer, she had severe migraine headaches. Following a cranial adjustment, Shelly’s migraines disappeared. She was placed on a food based supplement program to assist the healing…

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The Foot Bone is Connected to the Ear Bone

By Dr. Gerald H. Smith

Mainstream media doesn’t cover such events; it is intentional because it doesn’t want the public to become aware that physicians really do not understand how the body works. Case in point. Jennifer came to my practice with her boyfriend. She presented several symptoms relating to her ears: Popping sounds bilaterally Clogged feeling in both ears Pulling…

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6 – 7 Years of Fatigue, Muscle Weakness, and Severe Insomnia Reversed

By Dr. Gerald H. Smith

Most people remember the creative genius of the 1998 Volkwagen ad which made the statement, “Zero to 60, yes.” Treatment of Martin Hollstein followed a similar pattern. The longer one’s symptoms exist, the longer it takes to resolve them. For almost seven years, Martin was sleeping at best two hours a night, had severe fatigue…

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14 Years of Neck Pain Resolved

By Dr. Gerald H. Smith

Orthodontics / Neck Pain Connection Marc B. was a 44 year old male who suffered chronic cervical and low back pain for a 14 year period The patient accidentally fell two stories through an elavator shaft and landed on his back. He was in a body cast for 7 months. The doctors did not believe…

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Dental/Chiropractic Connection

By Dr. Gerald H. Smith

A Class II Division II malocclusion represents a deep overbite and retruded mandible. Such a structural imbalance causes a reflex forward head posture to open up the airway. In addition, the deep bite and retruded mandible causes a loss of the upper cervical lordotic curve and compression of the spine. These structural changes translate into…

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Lowering of IQ with Standard Orthodontic Techniques

By Dr. Gerald H. Smith

IQ / Orthodontics Connection Standard orthodontic technique recommends the use of rapid palatal expansion devices as a quick way to widen a narrow palate. The widening process is accomplished by means of a rigid device (Hyrax) that is literally fixed to the upper teeth by means of orthodontic bands and dental cement. The appliance has…

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